Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring! Uh, nevermind.

Last week was so gorgeous! We spent nearly everyday outside either at parks or letting the boys get dirty in the backyard. On Saturday, we woke up discussing what to do and just decided to take advantage of the springtime weather (it was the official first day of Spring!) and went on a hike. The hike was to a waterfall and we were very excited to see it. However, we managed to get to some water and had our picnic and then looking at the dragging feet of the boys, decided that we didn't want to lug an extra 50 pounds each (Chad was already packing McCoy), so we enjoyed ourselves at the water and promised to try again another time to make it to the waterfall.
Today is Monday, two days after it being nearly 70 degrees and we've got snow. Not sticking, but it's still snowing. So here I type, still with anticipation of a TRUE spring - to stay.


Aubrey said...

Yeah, welcome to Utah. I swear our state is the WORST for yo-yo springs. I don't remember it happening when I lived in Florida. ;)

was that Adam's Canyon you hiked up? The waterfall is pretty high--even without kids it's a good hike. You guys might want to try it on a date night in the summer because I bet your boys won't make it until they're a lot older. but then, maybe they're tougher kids than I was.

The Sorensen Bunch said...

Come to Arizona--we'll hike with you!!! and you might even begin to miss snow too! ha ha