Friday, September 4, 2009

Destruction Prevails

Since my little silent tornado takes up about 80% of my time, it is only worthy that he also get a blog post. He isn't starting school or just had a birthday or anything special, but here's to McCoy - the terror that rips through my house and captures my heart.

With Grandma Hutchings

At the end of July, I ended my 8 year run with IBM. I was working at home for 6 1/2 years of it and was really looking forward to being able to completely devote my time to being a mom and taking care of my house a little better. According to Dr. Laura, as a completely stay at home mom, I would now have more energy to take care of the things that mattered and would be able to feel on top of things a lot more.

Well, Dr. Laura did not have a McCoy. By 9:30AM on one particular morning, he managed to open a box of pasta from our food storage and decorate the office with it, empty every drawer in the kitchen by throwing the items across the floor, empty the dirty laundry from the hamper after dragging it into the middle of the living room, snapping a DVD in half (luckily the extras disc) and well, frankly the list has just begun.

Saying "Cheese" after playing in the garden and then trying to wipe off his hands on his face.

He is so dear to my heart though and I love him and have to laugh at the way he is always so busy. He is so quiet about it and just seems to enjoy the pure event of destruction. He has started occasionally saying words, but never on demand. He says: crackers, cheese, shoes, Jesus and after recently getting burned on the top of his foot with my curling iron, has started saying It's Hot which turns into one word that would be spelled Shot. However, when coming out of a baby voice and not being able to pronounce everything perfectly, when repeated over and over, it sounds like he's cussing.

I do wish that when I do get completely sick and/or have a newborn, which is only a few months away, I am hoping that he tones it down a bit or there will be nowhere to walk, as I am the constant vacuum running behind him. As he grows, may he learn to channel that energy towards great things!


The Sorensen Bunch said...

McCoy for SURE deserves a complete post deidacted to him!! I miss that inquisitive squishy cheeks around here!

booboo said...

McCoy looks soo much like chad in his second picture. We have a home movie of Chad at his age on a camping trip with dirt all over his face and he and McCoy could be twins. It's amazing!