Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine's Surprise

I was excited for Valentine's Day. The night before for Family Home Evening, all 6 of us made Valentine's for each other and tucked them away in a paper heart for the next day.

I had set the table with a nice red tablecloth and planned a candlelight dinner for the whole family complete with Valentine's goblets for the kids. Each plate had the heart filled with Valentine's on it and I was excited to spend the night expressing my love to my husband as well as my kids.

Rewind a week or so before. Chad and I had a conversation (or many) with him telling me that Valentine's is about romantic love and that we can show love to the kids yes, but that he and I needed to celebrate the night with just us. I told him we'd have many Valentine's Day to spend without runny noses and hyper-squeals, but that this was our 'season' for that now and we should enjoy it. Plus, a babysitter is expensive for 4 kids!

Fast forward back to my nice dinner setup and ready to spend a night with the entire family when in walks Chad from work. He gives me as a gift a new pair of cute sandals with flowers on them and tells me to get ready to leave because the babysitter will be coming soon.

I was excited, but kind of sad for the boys. Well, apparently Kayden was in on this scheme too and had done some things for his dad to get things ready and so within 10 minutes, the babysitter arrived and we were off. While in the car, he played a cd he had made me of some love songs and track 3 is my favorite... a recorded song of him singing a medley of two songs while playing his ukelele. LOVED IT!!

We did have a Romantic Valentine's. :-) Chad got us free tickets to a pre-screening of Titanic 3D. Yes, I was one of those who saw Titanic 6 times in the theater and Chad was on his mission when it came out, so we were both excited. I enjoyed it and he wrote up his review of it on his blog.

He had planned out the new shoes, personally recorded song, dinner, movie and babysitter all for his surprise date. I lack spontaneity and I'm grateful he doesn't! He keeps the romance in Valentine's Day!

Side note: We did the nice dinner the next night with the kids. :-)

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