Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Expecting Boy #4

30 weeks pregnant

As my shirt continues to appear that the ball inside it is getting bigger and bigger, I thought it only fitting to make a blog post about the pregnancy as it seems it will be over soon.

My first three pregnancies have been very smooth - no issues. My first delivery ended up being a c-section, but I was able to deliver the other two without any issues. So along rolls my fourth pregnancy and things have been a little different.

I have placenta previa this time around - that has only become more severe as the weeks have rolled on. Basically, it means that the placenta (the baby's lifeline) has attached at the top of the birth canal and if I were to go into labor, I would deliver the lifeline before the baby. Thus, it means that I am to take things easy and that the baby will have to come c-section at 37 weeks - so I do not get too close to the end (40 weeks) and go into labor.

Today we set the date for the morning of January 26. If there are no issues before then, that means that will only be 5 days before McCoy's birthday!!

In terms of me feeling different this pregnancy, I don't. I feel perfectly fine and frequently enjoy the kicking and moving of the baby. Kayden has especially taken an interest in my belly and lays on it frequently to talk to his brother and feel him kick. I've tried to get Boston to feel the baby, but he is not interested. He is however interested in stuffing a ball up his shirt frequently and running around bumping into McCoy. McCoy sees my belly as just being in the way. It is a little harder to cuddle after his nap, but after we find a comfortable holding position, he is satisfied.

Chad is as giddy as ever. He loves little babies! He is a bit worried about what to expect with the condition and has been a huge help jumping in to take care of things that I cannot/should not do, but all and all he's just excited to have another little boy wiggling around here soon.

Pregnancy is an exciting time and the anticipation of him coming is even more exciting. We are hoping for a smooth final 6 weeks and just enjoying the time we have together during the holidays.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I love all the posts!!!! Looks like you have been busy doing things before the baby comes. That is nice to have a date plan. I think with each csection is gets easier, but I had mine in a row.

Good luck!