This past week we said our goodbyes and good lucks to Chad's brother, Brendon as he goes on a mission for 2 years to Missouri.
Chad's parents came to drop Brendon off at the Missionary Training Center and we had many a party and get-together. All of Chad's brothers were here for the first weekend and I have to admit there was way more wrestling and boy-bander than normally goes on in my boy home, but was fun! The girls went to our soon-to-be sis-in-law's bridal shower. We played games and watched a movie and McCoy managed to pass along his throw-up illness to half of them - had to share. No sleep, but a lot of fun!
These pics are from the Nickelcade after said our farewells to Brendon.
McCoy with his cousin Mikkelle.
Kayden with his Grandpa Hutchings.
We got lucky this year and had free babysitters (gma and gpa even!!) and Chad and I went to lunch on Valentine's Day and then spent the evening with family and truly had a fun time at dinner, opening the notes in our jars that we filled throughout the week, making chocolate dipped pretzels and marshmallows and drinking sparkling cider.
Here's the jars we decorated for others to put nice things in during the week.
(Beth, Boston, McCoy, Kayden-spider web that caught bugs, Chad)
So at least for today, I decided to embrace the additional 6 inches that we got and spent a few hours with the boys in the morning and then in the afternoon out in it. I loved it and it was so much fun. It was super wet snow so we built a slide, a snowman, and here's our snow fort. It looks like there's not much snow around us, but we basically collected it all making this thing.

You guys are so cute. Always fun things going on in the Hutchings household!! I am loving the sunny weather though we have been having rain the past couple of days.
I keep hearing about your sickness!! We have are now the Sorensen sickies. I think it takes a couple of years for our bodies to adjust to new climates, allergies, and the bugs that go around those new places--then it starts to get better ( we are jsut starting to be healthy more than sick this year). You guys still hosted amidst that CRAZY sickness! you guys ROCK!!! OK I miss snow...but NOT that much. You are doing good looking at the positive. Spring is One of my FAVORITE times of the year there....just hold on!
BTW- Sorry we missed McCoys b-day...he is changing and looking a little bit more like chad emphasis on little
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