Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm There

So this isn't a goal that I've been aspiring to reach. I haven't been sitting around dreaming of someday becoming this and as a matter of fact have not been looking forward to it. But here I am officially at another milestone in my life. This is not by my wanting -no one would ever admittingly choose this - but something that someone or multiple people bestow upon you. What you might ask is this? Well, let me give a little background....

My ward here has one official playgroup and another unofficial one - for those that feel a bit too old to fit into the other one. Well yesterday I was invited to the unofficial playgroup and I thought to myself that I'd go to both, as it would give the kids a lot of playtime and I would get to meet more people. And matter of fact, age came up in both events - not either of these conversations was initiated by me. The official playgroup was first and really only had 2 other people show up to it, but when the conversation turned me and and I was asked my age, upon finding out someone said, "Wow, I didn't realize you were that young!" Yes, I had done my hair and make-up and was in a cute outfit. Sure, I felt a bit bloated from eating a lot with company around over the weekend, but you "didn't realize I was that young," who says that!! Playgroup 1... done and well, maybe I am a bit too old!

On to playgroup 2. The kids having more fun because of a better turnout and I'm actually having normal conversations here. Then once again, the conversation turns to age somehow. Everyone says their age throughout the conversation somehow and I learn that here I am, not the youngest of the crowd or the oldest, but right in the middle.

Then, it hits me - not softly mind you - that I'm THERE! I'm no longer a young mom. I'm no longer the cute young thing with kids in tow. I'm now in the middle somewhere - where it seems I'll be for a very long time! It doesn't matter that I have a few kids the same age as the young moms. What does matter is that they don't have any as old as my oldest, so here I sit, happily in conversation with the people more my age and I realize that yes I have passed another milestone, but it's really not all that bad. It means I have more memories, have had more times to smile, to cry, to be comforted and to comfort, to love and be loved. How great is that!!

Another great memory...

Beth and Kayden at the circus together. (We even have nearly the same smile.)


Sandi said...

You are amazing at your age!! I am so very astonished at all the things you try and do so well. Life just gets better so keep on plugging along at your "old" age!
Love, MOM

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I have been there--somehwere in the middle. Most the gals here consieer me one of the matriarchs of our littl group. When did I turn into a frumy old mom? At least you have not crossed over to the frumpy yet!