Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School is in Session

Kayden is now in Kindergarten and Boston in Preschool. They both started school last week and were so excited. They both really like their teachers and always have fun stories after their mornings away. Kayden is gone daily in the mornings and Boston just 3 days a week. They've been having a teddy bear theme in Kayden's class and yesterday had a teddy bear movie and then a picnic. Oh if school were always like Kindergarten - always fun and entertaining! They both go to school about a block away so it makes life for me very easy.

Designing our house to our style is coming along nicely. The kids room and master bedroom are complete (for now) with pictures finally on the wall and furniture in place. We have quite a few projects left to go, but we continue to take it one step at a time.


The Sorensen Bunch said...

PICTURES!!!! PLEASE!!!!! I hear you are doing it all yourself. I am dying to see some of the progress and our cute-y cousins on their first days of school!!!

Laurel Nelson said...

You're so lucky your school district has half day kindergarten, ours is all full day and I am NOT looking forward to having Zoe start kindergarten next year, it's just too much too soon in my opinion.
Love how the redecorating is coming along! So nice!